Professional Services

Civil Engineering Consultancy Services
CTS Provides Engineering Consultancy services for Construction Projects. This includes Preliminiray surveys, environmental and Social impact assessments, preliminary estimation and design.
Structural/Geodetic Monitoring
Structural & Geodetic monitoring is vital in keeping lives safe while increasing environmental well-being. CTS provides tailor-made manual & automated monitoring systems for projects depending on their client's needs.
Bathymetric Survey
With the highest accuracy, CTS has been carrying out Bathymetric surveys from shallow water mini reservoirs to sea beds. These maps allow our clients to design structures and conduct research at unreachable water depths.
Construction Survey
Construction Surveying supports all construction activities and infrastructure engineering in urban and rural environments. This includes Preliminary surveys, setting out the design at the site and asbuilt surveys.
Topographic Survey
CTS uses conventional and modern high-tech methods to map and lay out all properties, features and elevation surface features.
Quantity Survey
Our Inhouse Quantity surveyors can estimate and control construction project costs on any scale.
Mine Survey
Mining and tunnelling include many construction and monitoring components. CTS provides comprehensive solutions for Surveying, Setting out, Quantity calculations and monitoring for mining and Tunnelling projects.
GIS Related Services
Every industry in the modern-day world uses location-based data to communicate, perform analysis, share information and solve complex problems. CTS can develop, collect, and analyse spatial data with custom GIS solutions for any industry.
Photorealistic 3D Modeling
Realistic 3D models enable visualisation in unparalleled accuracy & detail. CTS provides a wide range of services to facilitate these visualisations using terrestrial scanning & drone imagery to replicate the real world into virtual space.
Raster-based spatial modeling and analysis
Spatial models allow users to simulate natural disasters and situations in a virtual platform. This creates the opportunity to create awareness of natural disasters such as flooding and landslides before it ever happens.
Satellite image processing & interpretation
Acquiring information without physical contact with the earth, has given modern-day GIS systems colossal advancement. CTS possess the technology & the knowledge to process, analyse, & interpret these data into meaningful outputs.
Accurate, Informative & Aesthetically appealing maps help to communicate spatial information effectively & efficiently. Experienced CTS cartographers assure their clients with dependable & precise maps using the latest mapping technologies, methods & formats.

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